Music of Kindness

Hello! My name is Ivan, and I am a saxophonist living in Belgrade. Music is my passion and my way of connecting with the world. I play jazz, retro, and popular music that touches hearts and fills souls with warmth.
My dream is to bring joy to those who need it the most. I want to organize a series of free concerts in nursing homes, orphanages, and social care centers. Music has an incredible power: it brings hope, warmth to loneliness, and helps people believe in a brighter future.
However, to make this project a reality, I need your help. To pursue this important mission, I need to cover the costs of organizing these concerts and resolve my legal status in Serbia, allowing me to work officially as a musician.
Why This Matters:
Concerts in nursing homes and orphanages are not just about music; they are an opportunity to create moments of joy for those who are often forgotten by society. I want to use my talent to bring smiles, warmth, and happiness to these people.
How the Funds Will Be Used:
Concert Organization: Covering transportation, equipment, and small gifts for the audience.
Legalization: Covering expenses related to obtaining official permits to work as a musician in Serbia.
Music Costs: Maintaining my saxophone and developing a repertoire that will resonate with listeners' hearts.
How You Can Help:
Your contribution will make this project a reality. Even a small amount can make a big difference.
How I Will Thank You:
We believe that kindness comes full circle. Every contribution will become part of a bigger project that brings joy to many people.
After each concert, we will publish reports with photos and videos on our page so you can see how your support changes lives.
We will create a special video about the "Music of Kindness" project, sharing every step of the journey, including your role in making it happen.
Your participation in this project is a meaningful contribution to spreading kindness that we will continue together.
Why I Believe in Success:
Music brings people together. It can build bridges between individuals and inspire acts of kindness. With your support, we can bring joy to those who need it most.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I would be incredibly grateful if you supported "Music of Kindness" and helped make this world a little warmer!
With gratitude,
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Welche verschiedenen Methoden gibt es, um einen Pot zu beenden?
- Zieldatum: Legen Sie ein Enddatum für Ihre Sammlung fest. Die Teilnehmenden können bis zu diesem bestimmten Datum spenden. Sie können dieses Datum jederzeit ändern, um Ihre Sammlung zu verlängern. So können Sie die Sammlung für Veranstaltungen oder Projekte mit einer festen Frist planen.
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