The Swiss solution
creating Pots and raising funds for your events and collective actions!
Start your Pot in just 2 minutes!
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We'd like to thank you for the ease of use and reliability of your online Pot system. We've received your transfer! A first experience that convinced us!
Anouk T.
Last public Pot created
Une nouvelle vie pour moi et ma fille 🙏 Svp
0.00 CHF collectedPrévention de la fièvre aphteuse en Europe - Vorbeugung der Maul- und Klauenseuche in Europa - Foot-and-Mouth Disease Prevention in Europe
0.00 CHF collectedLutte contre l’abattage des chiens errants au Maroc - Bekämpfung der Tötung von Straßenhunden in Marokko - Fighting the Culling of Stray Dogs in Morocco
0.00 CHF collectedRéintroduction d’espèces menacées au Maroc - Wiedereinführung bedrohter Arten in Marokko - Reintroduction of Threatened Species in Morocco
0.00 CHF collectedSecure payments
Payments by bank transfer or credit card are secured and encrypted by our partner, Stripe.
No money down
Your generosity can't wait! With Happy Pot, you can launch your Pot without advancing a single franc.
Anonymous donations possible
Respect your donors' discretion; on Happy Pot, they can donate anonymously.
Easy money withdrawal
Withdraw your collected funds with complete peace of mind thanks to our secure, easy-to-use withdrawal system.
Protected fundraising
The money you collect on our platform is held in the secure account of our banking service provider. Our accreditation guarantees that we do not use these Pots for any purpose whatsoever, nor do we receive any income from their safekeeping. These Pots belong 100% to you, and only you can use them.