Gift for Michèle’s Departure

by Kelly Imirzian

Valutato 0 su 5
  • CHF 1.00

    Obiettivo di finanziamento *
  • CHF 1'090.00

    Fondi raccolti
  • 0

    Giorni per andare
  • Data obiettivo - non sarà più possibile effettuare donazioni a questo fondo oltre la data prevista.

    Metodo di fine campagna
Percentuale raggiunta :
The campaign is successful.

Kelly Imirzian

1 Campagne | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Descrizione Del Progetto*

Dear All,

As you may be aware, Michèle, a valued member of our team, is soon embarking on a new journey in her professional life. In recognition of her dedication and contributions to our company, we are organizing a gift fund to express our appreciation and support as she transitions to a new adventure.

We invite you to participate by contributing to Michèle’s departure gift fund.

We kindly request that contributions be made between today and tomorrow to ensure that we can present Michèle with the collective expression of our appreciation before her departure on Thursday 28th.

Any amount you can contribute will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

Best regards,

Nome Dona importo Data
Anonimo CHF 51.00 April 04, 2024
Anonimo CHF 152.25 April 03, 2024
Anonimo CHF 103.50 April 03, 2024
Anonimo CHF 253.75 April 02, 2024
Anonimo CHF 41.00 March 28, 2024
Anonimo CHF 21.00 March 27, 2024
Anonimo CHF 51.75 March 27, 2024
Anonimo CHF 51.00 March 27, 2024
Anonimo CHF 51.75 March 27, 2024
Anonimo CHF 51.00 March 27, 2024
Anonimo CHF 21.00 March 27, 2024
Anonimo CHF 31.00 March 26, 2024
Anonimo CHF 31.00 March 26, 2024
Anonimo CHF 51.00 March 26, 2024
Anonimo CHF 103.50 March 26, 2024
Anonimo CHF 51.00 March 26, 2024