Support Maeva’s Dream
Hello! My name is Maeva, a 12-year-old from Delémont, Switzerland, with a deep passion for K-pop. Ever since I discovered this vibrant music genre, I’ve been captivated by its energy, choreography, and the dedication of its artists. My dream is to become a K-pop artist, and I have a unique opportunity to attend a prestigious training program in South Korea that will bring me closer to this goal.
This program offers comprehensive training, including:
• Professional vocal and dance instruction to enhance my performance skills.
• Instrument lessons to broaden my musical abilities.
• Art and drawing classes to develop my creative expression.
To make this dream a reality, I am seeking to raise $30,000 to cover:
• Program tuition fees.
• Round-trip (I will surely cancel the flight back if I manage to join a kpop agency) flights from Switzerland to South Korea.
• living expenses during my stay.
• Essential materials and instruments required for the training.
• Daily expenses to ensure a comfortable and focused learning environment.
I kindly invite you to join me on this exciting journey by contributing to my campaign. Your support will not only help me attend the training program but also inspire other young artists to pursue their dreams, no matter how ambitious they may seem.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my story and for considering supporting my dream. Your generosity brings me one step closer to making my aspirations a reality.
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