Help Amira to fund her education

Hi, I’m Amira, and I’ve always been passionate about chemistry, energy, and sustainability. Ever since I was young, I’ve dreamed of finding innovative solutions to global energy challenges and making a positive impact on the world. After completing my undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering, I’ve been accepted into a master’s program in Chemical and Energy Engineering in germany an opportunity that will give me the advanced knowledge and skills I need to tackle climate change, develop sustainable energy sources, and contribute to a greener future.
However, the cost of tuition, books, and living expenses is more than I can afford on my own. Despite applying for scholarships and financial aid, I still need help to make this dream a reality. That’s where you come in!
I’m reaching out to you for support to fund my education and help me achieve my goal of becoming an engineer who can help solve the world’s energy crisis. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will go directly toward my tuition fees, course materials, and living expenses, allowing me to fully focus on my studies.
By supporting my education, you're not only investing in me but in a cleaner, more sustainable future for all. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for believing in me and for helping me take this important step toward a better tomorrow!
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Contributions 0
Il n'y a aucune contribution pour l'instant. Montrez l'exemple et soyez le premier à participer à cette cagnotte
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