Crise alimentaire en Afrique de l’Est - Food Crisis in East Africa - Hungersnot in Ostafrika

🇫🇷 Crise alimentaire en Afrique de l’Est
Une sécheresse sans précédent frappe l’Afrique de l’Est, touchant des pays comme l’Éthiopie, la Somalie et le Kenya. Des millions de personnes manquent de nourriture et d’eau, et les enfants souffrent de malnutrition aiguë. Les fonds iront à l’UNICEF et au Programme Alimentaire Mondial pour fournir des repas, de l’eau potable et des traitements. 🌍❤️
🇩🇪 Hungersnot in Ostafrika
Eine beispiellose Dürre trifft Ostafrika und betrifft Länder wie Äthiopien, Somalia und Kenia. Millionen von Menschen fehlt es an Nahrung und Wasser, und Kinder leiden an akuter Unterernährung. Die Spenden gehen an UNICEF und das Welternährungsprogramm, um Mahlzeiten, sauberes Wasser und medizinische Hilfe bereitzustellen. 🌍❤️
🇬🇧 Food Crisis in East Africa
An unprecedented drought is hitting East Africa, affecting countries like Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya. Millions of people are lacking food and water, with children suffering from acute malnutrition. Funds will go to UNICEF and the World Food Programme to provide meals, clean water, and medical care. 🌍❤️
🇮🇹 Crisi alimentare in Africa orientale
Una siccità senza precedenti sta colpendo l’Africa orientale, interessando paesi come Etiopia, Somalia e Kenya. Milioni di persone soffrono la fame e la sete, e i bambini sono colpiti da malnutrizione acuta. I fondi saranno destinati all’UNICEF e al Programma Alimentare Mondiale per fornire pasti, acqua potabile e cure mediche. 🌍❤️
Contributions 1
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Contributions 1
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What are the different ways of ending a Pot?
- Target date: Set an end date for your fundraising. Contributors can make donations up to this specific date. You can change this date at any time to extend your collection. This allows you to plan fundraising for events or projects with a fixed deadline.
- The Pot never ends: Keep your Pot open indefinitely, ideal for ongoing or long-term collections. Happy Pot adapts to your needs! This choice is particularly suitable for ongoing or long-term Pot raising, offering maximum flexibility for receiving donations at any time. You can request partial refunds of Pots collected at any time using your administration space, while keeping your Pot active.
Can I request several bank transfers without closing the Pot ?
How can I withdraw funds from my Pot?
- Log in to your account.
- Click on "My Pots".
- Select the desired Pot and click on "Request payment".
- Validate your identity by clicking on "Start verification" (this process only needs to be carried out once per account).
- Fill in your bank details.
- Click on "Request payment" .
- You will receive confirmation by e-mail and payment will be made within 1 to 5 working days, depending on your bank.
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