Cirquenbulle a besoin de vous !

Cover Cirquenbulle a besoin de vous !
volunteer_activism Association & Mutual Aid
calendar_month Launched on 06.12.2024
person_edit Created by Antoine Matta
move_location Beneficiary: Association Cirquenbulle
Happy Pot Icon 600.00 CHF
volunteer_activism 15 contributions

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10.00 CHF
25.00 CHF
50.00 CHF
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Contributions 15

🎪 Cirquenbulle a besoin de vous ! Aidez-nous à faire vivre la magie du cirque 🎪

Cirquenbulle, c’est bien plus qu’une simple école de cirque : c’est un espace où la créativité, le partage et les rêves prennent vie. Mais aujourd’hui, pour continuer à faire briller des étoiles dans les yeux des enfants, nous avons besoin de votre soutien.

Nous lançons une cagnotte solidaire pour :
✨ Renouveler et entretenir notre matériel de cirque
✨ Proposer des stages accessibles à tous
✨ Continuer à transmettre notre passion dans les meilleures conditions

Chaque contribution, même petite, nous rapproche de notre objectif.
🌟 Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! 🌟

Comment participer ?
Rendez-vous sur [lien vers la cagnotte] et faites un don en quelques clics.

Un grand merci d’avance pour votre générosité et votre soutien. Grâce à vous, l’aventure Cirquenbulle continue de rayonner ! ❤️

L’équipe de Cirquenbulle.

Contributions 15

made a donation of 50.00 CHF
1 month ago
made a donation
1 month ago
made a donation
1 month ago
made a donation of 125.00 CHF
1 month ago
made a donation of 100.00 CHF
1 month ago

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10.00 CHF
25.00 CHF
50.00 CHF
Other amount

How do I create my Happy Pot?

Click on the "Create my Pot" button at the top right of any page on the website. Follow the steps to select the category, customize your Pot, and create your account or log in. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Start your collection in no time with Happy Pot!

How do you share the Pot or invite your friends to join in?

On your Pot page, to the right of the illustration image, you'll find a "Share this Pot" block. Copy the link or share it via Whatsapp, e-mail, Facebook or LinkedIn. Make contributions easier with Happy Pot!

What are the different ways of ending a Pot?

Choose the option that suits you best:
  1. Target date: Set an end date for your fundraising. Contributors can make donations up to this specific date. You can change this date at any time to extend your collection. This allows you to plan fundraising for events or projects with a fixed deadline.
  2. The Pot never ends: Keep your Pot open indefinitely, ideal for ongoing or long-term collections. Happy Pot adapts to your needs! This choice is particularly suitable for ongoing or long-term Pot raising, offering maximum flexibility for receiving donations at any time. You can request partial refunds of Pots collected at any time using your administration space, while keeping your Pot active.

Can I request several bank transfers without closing the Pot ?

Yes, at any time you can request partial or full payment of your Happy Pot balance without having to close the Pot.

How can I withdraw funds from my Pot?

To request payment of the balance (partial or full) of your Pot, follow these simple steps:
  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on "My Pots".
  3. Select the desired Pot and click on "Request payment".
  4. Validate your identity by clicking on "Start verification" (this process only needs to be carried out once per account).
  5. Fill in your bank details.
  6. Click on "Request payment" .
  7. You will receive confirmation by e-mail and payment will be made within 1 to 5 working days, depending on your bank.

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