Can swinger save a marriage? - A novel that seeks an answer to this.
Do you believe that a woman can maintain her attractiveness, curiosity, and freedom even after fifty? Is it possible to talk honestly, without taboos, about the challenges of sexuality and relationships?
If so, you can now contribute to the birth of a special book!
What is the book about?
This book is not just a story, but a mirror that shows middle-aged women the challenges related to midlife crisis, femininity, and relationships.
The story, woven with humour and emotions, illustrates how they can rediscover themselves, their desires, and passions. It discusses menopause, stalled desires, the experience of sexuality, and how we can bring new impulses into long-term relationships.
A unique thread in the novel is that the main characters, Niki and Roland, discover the world of swinger, which adds a new colour to their relationship and helps them to better understand themselves.
Why is the book important?
I discovered writing novels as a passionate hobby, and this creative process not only helped me articulate my thoughts but also brought new joy to my life. I wrote a story in which femininity, sexuality, and self-knowledge are not limited to social norms or age.
As I got to know and embraced my desires, it can also serve as inspiration for other middle-aged women to find their own voice, dreams, and goals.
Where do I want to get to?
The manuscript of the book – which is the first volume of a trilogy – is ready, currently undergoing editorial proofreading, and is expected to be published in May 2025.
Additionally, my goal is to further expand the audience with the help of my website and social media presence.
On my website, I would like to provide inspiration and support primarily to middle-aged women on topics related to relationships, midlife crisis, sexuality, and femininity. These platforms help everyone find their own path and see that we are not alone in our questions. The goal of the site is to empower and provide space for dialogue, where women can honestly share their experiences, desires, and dilemmas.
Why do I need your support?
To complete the publication of the book (editing, typesetting, cover design, and printing costs), as well as to create the website and social media platforms.
What will you receive if you support me?
Beyond my unlimited gratitude and appreciation…
€25: Acknowledgment on the website.
€50: A signed copy.
€100: A signed copy, acknowledgment in the book.
€300: A signed copy, acknowledgement in the book, behind-the-scenes secrets about the author and unique character shaping: will you be in the next volume? Be one of the characters!
Be part of a journey that shows that our wings can open again at any time – even after fifty.
Thank you for believing in change and the power of the story.
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